Are Alberta Provincial Parks Free?

man standing on a rock. Alberta provincial parks are not free.

Alberta has over 450 parks managed by the the Provincial Government.

These parks vary in sizes and amenities.

Depending on the facilities and amenities available to the public, there is a wide range of fees to support the operation and maintenance costs.

Are Alberta Provincial Parks Free?

There is a bit of nuance to this question, but the short answer is no, Alberta Provincial Parks are not free.

Day use is currently free with possible fees coming soon, but if you plan to camp, take a bus tour, or participate in programs, you will need to bring your wallet.

See the current (As of 2021) Fee Guidelines for Alberta Provincial Parks here

In Summary

  • Alberta’s Provincial Parks are not free for camping and other activities.
  • Some parks have free day use areas.
  • Many parks and camp sires in Alberta are shifting to less free day use areas. For example, only allowing paid campers to use the beach.

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