Can you Own a Corn Snake in Alberta?

white and orange corn snake on log. You can legally own a pet corn snake in alberta canada

The Province of Alberta has rules and restrictions on what animals you can or can’t own as a pet. They keep an official updated document that breaks them down by species and genus etc.

They call this the Alberta Controlled Animals list.

If it’s on the list, you can’t own it as a pet, though in some cases you might be able to get one with special permits, but this is usually for researchers and zoos.

Source: The entire Alberta Controlled Animals list

What about Corn Snakes? Are they on the list?

Can You Legally Own a Pet Corn Snake in Alberta?

It is perfectly legal to own a corn snake as a pet in Alberta. Corn snakes are not currently listed as a controlled animal.

This is a provincial level regulation, and you should still check the rules in your town or city. There could be restrictions and bylaws at the municipal level.

Many other types of snakes are on the listed and restricted from owning in the province of Alberta. Those snakes are typically deemed to be dangerous and/or too unpredictable and not suitable as pets.

While corn snakes do have dangers to them, they are not considered too dangerous. They bite and constrict (not deadly), but these behaviours can be limited and contained with proper handling and caution.

Corn Snakes are widely considered to be a great introduction snake for beginners, but you should still do your research beforehand and respect them.

We highly recommend learning about corn snake ownership from this site here.

See our list of other exotic pets that you can own as a pet in Alberta called What Exotic Pets Can You Legally Own in Alberta?

In Summary

  • You can legally own a pet corn snake in Alberta, Canada
  • They are not a controlled species in the province
  • Check local authorities for regulations at the municipal level
  • Many other more dangerous snakes are restricted in Alberta
  • Corn snakes should be taken seriously and treated with caution, but they are a good introductory pet snake

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