Does Alberta Have Cicadas?

extreme close up of a cicada. We talk about the types of cicadas that are found in Alberta, Canada.

Alberta, known for its diverse landscapes and wildlife, has always been a subject of curiosity when it comes to its insect inhabitants.

One such insect that has garnered attention, especially with the recent buzz in the U.S., is the cicada.

But does Alberta have its own cicada population? Let’s dive in.

Does Alberta Have Cicadas?

Yes, Alberta is home to cicadas.

While the province doesn’t witness the massive emergence of 17-year cicadas like some regions in the U.S., it does have its own native species.

Specifically, Alberta hosts seven different species of cicadas.

Cicadas in Alberta: A Closer Look

  • Life Cycle: Unlike the periodical cicadas that emerge every 13 or 17 years in the U.S., Alberta’s cicadas have a life cycle ranging from 2 to 5 years. The majority of their lives are spent underground in their nymph stage, feeding on tree roots. When the time is right, they emerge, shed their exoskeletons, and transform into adults.
  • The Sound of Summer: The unmistakable loud, buzzing sound associated with cicadas is a mating call produced by the males. They achieve this sound by vibrating their tymbals, drum-like organs, to attract females.
  • Environmental Benefits: Cicadas play a beneficial role in the environment. Their emergence aerates the soil, and as they die off, their bodies decompose, enriching the soil with nutrients.
  • Where to Find Them: While cicadas can be found in various parts of Alberta, they are more commonly observed in southern regions, particularly around Lethbridge.

Source: The Weather Network

FAQs: All About Cicadas in Alberta

  • Do cicadas in Alberta bite or sting? No, cicadas are harmless to humans and do not bite or sting.
  • Why are cicadas so loud? The loud buzzing sound is a mating call produced by male cicadas to attract females.
  • How long do cicadas live above ground? Adult cicadas typically live for several weeks above ground, during which they mate and lay eggs.

Alberta’s Buzzing Inhabitants

Cicadas, with their distinctive sound, are a testament to Alberta’s rich biodiversity.

While they might not emerge in the massive broods seen in other regions, their presence adds to the symphony of summer sounds in the province.

Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, the next time you hear that unmistakable buzz, you’ll know a bit more about these fascinating creatures.

In Summary

  • Alberta is home to seven species of cicadas.
  • Cicadas in Alberta have a life cycle of 2 to 5 years.
  • They play a beneficial role in the environment by aerating the soil and providing nutrients.
  • Cicadas are more commonly found in southern Alberta, especially in the Lethbridge area.
  • They are harmless to humans and do not bite or sting.

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