How Big Does an Alberta Spruce Tree Get?

tops of coniferous trees in woods. alberta spruce is very tall. dwarf alberta spruce rarely exceeds 13 feet tall.

When talking about the Alberta Spruce, we are either referring to the larger standard sized tree, or the smaller version used for landscaping.

Both types share the same Scientific name: Picea glauca.

How Big Does an Alberta Spruce Tree Get?

The Alberta Spruce tree can range in height from 49 to 98 feet (approximately 15 to 30 meters).

This is the typical large sized spruce found in the wild. The smaller spruce trees used in gardens and landscapes is called the Dwarf Alberta Spruce tree.

How Big Does the Dwarf Alberta Spruce Get?

The dwarf Alberta spruce tree at maturity will typically get to 8 feet (2.5 meters) tall. Though it is not uncommon to see them as tall as around 12 feet (3.6 meters) high.

The dwarf Alberta spruce is smaller and easier to manage than their taller ancestors.

This makes them ideal for landscaping and gardening. They also make for great Christmas trees.


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