Is Good Friday a Stat Holiday in Alberta?

calendar of march and april showing when easter monday is in april in alberta canada. easter monday not a stat holiday.

Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus.

In Alberta, it’s a day often observed with religious services and family gatherings.

But does it qualify as a statutory holiday in the province?

Is Good Friday a Stat Holiday in Alberta?

Yes, Good Friday is recognized as a statutory holiday in Alberta.

This means that the majority of workers are eligible for a paid day off on this day.

What Does “Statutory” Mean for Your Pay?

If you’re wondering about compensation on Good Friday, you’re in luck. Employees generally receive paid time off.

For a deeper understanding of how statutory pay operates in Alberta, explore our detailed guide on the subject.

More Good Friday Information

Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday.

If you’re a part of a union, your collective agreement might have specific rules about observing Good Friday.

In Summary

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