Is it Legal to Drive Below the Speed Limit in Alberta? Can You get a Ticket for Driving too Slow?

casually driving slow. It is legal to drive below the speed limit in alberta with a valid reason.

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt the need to go a bit slower on the highway?

Were you concerned you might get in trouble for going too slow? Depending on the circumstances, you likely have nothing to worry about.

There is not a one size fits all answer to this question, but there is a situation dependent answer that is found in the Alberta Traffic Safety Act.

Is it legal to drive below the speed limit in Alberta?

The Alberta Traffic Safety Act states that you are allowed to drive below the speed limit under reasonable circumstances:

  • A person driving a vehicle should not drive at a speed that is unreasonable considering various circumstances, which include:
    • Nature, condition, and use of the highway.
    • Atmospheric, weather, or other conditions affecting visibility and vehicle control.
    • Amount of traffic on the highway.
    • Mechanical condition of the vehicle and its equipment.
  • The driver should adjust their speed to match the current conditions.
  • A person driving a vehicle should not drive at a speed that is unreasonable considering various circumstances, which include:
    • Nature, condition, and use of the highway.
    • Atmospheric, weather, or other conditions affecting visibility and vehicle control.
    • Amount of traffic on the highway.
    • Mechanical condition of the vehicle and its equipment.
  • The driver should adjust their speed to match the current conditions.

It is recommended that you pull to the right side of the road if you do need to go slower. The official recommendation from the government of Alberta is to keep right towards the far right curb.

Can You get a Ticket for Driving Below the Speed Limit in Alberta?

It is possible to be in violation of Alberta traffic laws by going too slow. If you are considered to be moving too slow, and therefore impeding traffic without a valid reason, you would be deemed an “obstruction”.

Source: Division 1 of the Alberta Traffic Safety Act

In Summary

  • In Alberta, it is perfectly legal to drive slower than the speed limit to meet the current circumstances of the road, such as bad weather.
  • If you are impeding traffic or causing an obstruction without a valid reason, you could potentially be fined.

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