Is it Legal to Have a Pet Shrew in Alberta?

Shrews are controlled and can not be legally owned as pets in alberta, canada.

The Alberta Controlled Animals document is an updated government list of animals you can not own without special licensing or permissions.

If you are not sure about the legality of any animal in Alberta, you can check the list here.

Are they on the list? Can you own a shrew as a pet in Alberta?

Can you own a pet shrew in Alberta?

No, you can not legally own a shrew in Alberta.

Shrews are on the controlled animals list in Alberta, Canada, and can not be owned as pets.

Exceptions may only be granted for properly licensed professional wildlife management/animal welfare facilities, such as zoos.

Shrews that are Controlled in Alberta, Canada

Check the Shrew species you wish to own as a pet against the following list of controlled Shrews:

Shrews (family soricidae) controlled in Alberta include long-tailed shrews, arboreal brown-toothed shrews, North American Least shrews, old world water shrews, ussuri white-toothed shrews, greater white-toothed shrews, siberian shrews, and piebald shrews.

If your desired shrew is not on this list, double check with a local wildlife management agent or bylaw office for further details before you proceed.

If you are looking for an exotic pet you can own legally in Alberta, check out that list here.

In Summary

  • Shrews are listed as controlled animals in Alberta, Canada
  • If your specific species of desired pet is not on the list, check with local authorities to make sure it is an exception.
  • Controlled animals that are not completely restricted require special licensing or permits to own.

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