When Does Mosquito Season Start in Alberta?

macro shot of a mosquito on human skin. When does mosquito season start and end in alberta canada.

Alberta experiences a dynamic mosquito season, influenced by various factors including weather conditions, geographical differences, and mosquito species diversity.

When Does Mosquito Season Start in Alberta?

Mosquito activity in Alberta typically commences when temperatures consistently range between 7 and 16 degrees Celsius, usually around April and May.

The season reaches its zenith during the warmer months, with mosquitoes thriving in temperatures between 22 and 27 degrees Celsius​​.

Factors Influencing Mosquito Popularity

Alberta’s varied climate and topography mean that mosquito season can significantly differ from one region to another.

In northern areas, mosquitoes are particularly abundant during the brief Arctic summer, highlighting the importance of regional weather patterns on mosquito activity​​.

Impact of Weather Conditions

The summer of 2022 was notably less favourable for mosquitoes in Alberta, attributed to prolonged drought conditions that reduced breeding opportunities despite occasional rains.

This anomaly underscores how weather extremes, such as droughts, can substantially affect mosquito populations​​.

Mosquito Species in Alberta

Edmonton is home to over 30 native mosquito species, including the Aedes vexans, a prominent nuisance species, and the Culex pipiens, a vector for the West Nile virus.

These species have adapted to various environmental conditions, with some laying eggs in dry areas that flood seasonally, leading to significant population spikes during the summer​​.

Mosquito Control Measures

The City of Edmonton employs a mosquito control program aiming to mitigate the impact of mosquitoes on outdoor activities.

This includes managing breeding sites, providing public education on prevention, and employing ground-based management strategies during peak mosquito season​​.

Preventative Actions for Residents

Residents can play a crucial role in reducing mosquito habitats by eliminating standing water sources, maintaining yard hygiene, and employing personal protective measures such as using repellents and wearing appropriate clothing.

Mosquito-proofing homes by ensuring intact screens and doors can also significantly reduce indoor mosquito encounters​​​​.

Understanding the mosquito season in Alberta is crucial for effective prevention and control.

By recognizing the start, peak, and decline of the season, along with the diversity of mosquito species and the influence of weather conditions, individuals can adopt more effective strategies to minimize the impact of mosquitoes on their daily lives and enjoy Alberta’s outdoor spaces comfortably.

In Summary

  • Mosquito season in Alberta typically starts in April or May, peaking in the warmer months.
  • Drought conditions can negatively impact mosquito populations, as seen in the summer of 2022.
  • Over 30 mosquito species inhabit the Edmonton area, with Aedes vexans being a notable nuisance.
  • The City of Edmonton’s mosquito control program plays a vital role in managing the mosquito population.
  • Residents can contribute to mosquito control by eliminating breeding sites and taking personal protective measures.


  • City of Edmonton Mosquito Activity: Provides insights into mosquito monitoring and control efforts in Edmonton, Alberta. Edmonton Mosquito Activity
  • City of Calgary Mosquito Management: Offers information on mosquito breeding habits and control measures in Calgary, Alberta. Calgary Mosquito Management
  • Mosquito Season in Canada: Discusses the general timeline and management strategies for mosquito season across Canada, applicable to Alberta. Mosquito Season in Canada

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