Can Hydrangea Grow In Alberta?

pink smooth hydrangea flowers can grow in alberta.

There are many types of hydrangea, and sib types beyond those.

The are many different colours as well. In general, two specific types of hydrangea seem to perform the best in Alberta.

Can Hydrangea grow in Alberta?

Yes, the Hydrangea plant can grow in Alberta, even in the colder northern regions of Alberta.

The Smooth Hydrangea (Hydrangea Arborescens), and the Panicle Hydrangea (Hydrangea Paniculata), are the two best performing types in Alberta’s climate.

Very thorough examination of hydrangeas and how to grow them in Alberta.

Hydrangeas require a looser soil and not soaking wet soil.

They require plenty of morning sunshine, but can be harmed by too much summer heat.

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