Can I Buy Crown Land in Alberta?

Alberta mountain road. No you can not buy crown land in Alberta.

The Alberta provincial government has control over a huge percentage of the land, to preserve the environment and wildlife. 

This is to ensure the enjoyment of these natural areas by the people living in the province, and future generations.

This land is known as “Crown Land”, and it’s not for sale.

Can I Buy Crown Land in Alberta?

No, you can not buy Crown Land in Alberta.

About %60 of the total Alberta land area and resources have been set aside for conservation purposes.

This land is not, and will not be for sale to the public.

Western Canada was once controlled largely by the Hudson’s Bay Company. They conserved this land to ensure the continuation of the fur trade. In 1870 this land was sold to the Federal Government of Canada.

Alberta was given control of it’s land and resources in 1930. The following year, Alberta passed the Provincial Lands Act.

Approximately 60 percent of Alberta’s land and resources are crown land provincially. Roughly 10 percent is crown land federally.

The remaining 30 percent is land for living and development.

Source: History of Alberta Public Lands Act

There are some opportunities for ranchers to lease crown land for things like cattle grazing, but that requires special arrangements.

Can You Build A House on Crown Land in Alberta?

No, you can not build a house or any structure on Crown Land. You can however camp on Crown Land for up to 14 days.

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