What is the Largest Spider in Alberta?

Alberta, with its diverse landscapes ranging from the majestic Rocky Mountains to the vast prairies, is home to a variety of spider species.

Among these eight-legged inhabitants, a few have gained attention due to their impressive size.

So, which spider can claim the title of being the largest in Alberta? Let’s explore and find out.

What is the Largest Spider in Alberta?

The House Spider, scientifically known as Tegenaria domestica, stands out as the largest spider in Alberta when considering leg span.

With a span that can stretch up to 6 cm, these spiders are often noticed, especially when they find their way into homes or other structures.

Source: Alberta Spiders PDF

The Wolf Spider: A Close Contender

The Wolf Spider, a well-known member of Alberta’s spider community, often comes up in discussions about size.

Belonging to the family Lycosidae, the Wolf Spider has a body size that can rival the House Spider.

However, when it comes to leg span, which averages around 3-4 cm, it falls slightly short.

Its solid build and active hunting behaviour often lead to misconceptions about its size.

House Spider Highlights

  • Appearance: Brown with a patterned abdomen, their long legs contribute to their large appearance.
  • Habitat: As their name suggests, House Spiders are frequently found in homes, particularly in corners or secluded areas.
  • Diet: They primarily feed on insects and other small pests, making them natural allies in pest control.

Wolf Spider Insights

  • Appearance: Brown with patterns or stripes, their stout structure and prominent eyes are distinguishing features.
  • Habitat: They are ground dwellers, commonly seen in gardens and fields.
  • Diet: As active hunters, they have a varied diet consisting of different insects.

What are the Biggest Spiders in Alberta?


Spider Name Average Leg Span Description
House Spider Up to 6 cm Often found in homes, especially in hidden spots.
Wolf Spider 3-4 cm Ground dwellers, commonly seen in gardens and fields.
Orb Weaver 2-3 cm Known for their spiral wheel-shaped webs.
Jumping Spider 1-2 cm Famous for their agile jumping ability.

FAQs about the largest Spiders in Alberta

  • Are spiders in Alberta venomous?
    Most spiders in Alberta use venom to subdue their prey, but their venom is not potent enough to cause severe harm to humans.
  • How can I identify a House Spider?
    House Spiders have long legs, a brownish color, and a patterned abdomen. They are commonly found in domestic settings.
  • Is a Wolf Spider’s bite harmful?
    While Wolf Spiders can bite when provoked, their bite is typically harmless to humans, causing only minor discomfort.

Wrapping Up the Web

In the vast spider ecosystem of Alberta, size is just one intriguing aspect.

The House Spider, with its impressive leg span, takes the crown, but the Wolf Spider’s attributes make it a notable mention.

Both these spiders, along with others in the province, play essential roles in the ecosystem, controlling pest populations and adding to Alberta’s rich biodiversity.

In Summary

  • The House Spider, with a leg span of up to 6 cm, is the largest spider in Alberta.
  • Wolf Spiders, known for their sturdy build, have a leg span that averages between 3-4 cm.
  • Spiders in Alberta play a crucial role in the ecosystem, helping control pest populations and enriching the province’s biodiversity.

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