Can You Keep Fossils in Alberta?

dinosaur fossil on rough stone formation. you can not own fossils in alberta, you must report them.

Alberta has something called the Historical Resources Act.

It lays out the specific rules when it comes to fossils. Violating this act can carry penalties and fines up to $50,000, or even prison time.

You should always contact the proper authorities if you find fossils, and don’t touch them.

Can you keep the fossils you find in Alberta?

You can keep surface collected fossils in Alberta, but only as a custodian, you do not own them.

They will always belong to the Alberta government. You can’t sell them.

What to do if you find a fossil in Alberta?

First of all, surface collecting of fossils can only de done on Provincial Crown Land or Private Land with owner permission. Excavating of fossils is never permitted.

You can not collect fossils either way in a Provincial Park.

If you come across fossils, you should:

  1. Photograph it (with an object for size comparison).
  2. Locate it (using permanent landmarks on a map for reference. Use GPS if possible).
  3. Report it.

More details on Alberta Fossil Collection rules and how to report them.

In Summary

  • You can never own fossils you find in Alberta. Surface collected fossils can only be held as the custodian.
  • As the holder of the fossils, you can not sell them, as you never own them.
  • Buried fossils that require any kind of digging or excavation must be left alone. You can face hefty fines, and possibly jail time.
  • You can report all fossil findings to the Royal Terrell Museum in Drumheller.

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