Can You Own a Fox in Alberta?

close up of fox on grass. You can’t own a fox legally in Alberta, Canada.

There are certain pets in Alberta that are controlled or outright banned by the Provincial Government. In many cases, there are additional layers of restrictions by local authorities.

For example, an animal may not be controlled provincially, but there is a bylaw in your city or town. Always check with your local bylaws for additional information.

Is it legal to own a fox in Alberta?

No, you can not legally own a fox in Alberta.

The fox (Genus Vulpes) is a controlled animal. This includes the Fennec Fox (Genus Vulpes).

Of course some controlled animals can be owned with proper permits. This is typically reserved for special cases such as zoos and wildlife preservation organizations.

You can view the long list of controlled animals in Alberta here.

That link will open the full document. Scroll down to page 6, under ”All Dog-Like (Family Canidae).

All Other Controlled Fox Species in Alberta:

  • Gray Foxes
  • Arctic Fox
  • South American Foxes
  • Crab-eating Fox
  • Bat-eared Fox

In Summary

  • You can not own a fox in Alberta.
  • Alberta has a long list of controlled animal species. Municipalities can add additional restrictions with bylaws.
  • Foxes (Genus Vulpes) are a controlled animal in Alberta. This includes the Fennec Fox.
  • Animals on the Alberta Controlled Animals list can not be owned as a pet legally, without special permits and permissions.

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