Can You Legally Own a Pet Skink Lizard in Alberta?

gecko on a stone. You can own a skink lizard legally in alberta.

The province of Alberta keeps an updated document that lists all the controlled animals. It’s a relatively short document that details the animals by family and species.

If the animal you desire to own is on the list, then it is controlled. This means you either need special legal privileges to own one, or it’s outright banned for everyone.

If you don’t see your exact species on the list, then congratulations, you can legally own one.

Of course this can be changed at any time, and an animal can be added to the list.

If you wish to keep the list handy for your own reference, you can find the controlled animals document here.

So what about skinks? Are they on the controlled animals list?

Can you have a pet skink lizard in Alberta?

You can legally have a pet skink lizard in Alberta.

They are not currently on the Alberta controlled species list. The only Lizard currently listed as controlled is the Viviparous Lizard.

However, it is important to understand that this is a provincial level regulation. Municipalities can have their own bylaws regulating what and how many.

You also have to consider the private property aspect. For example, your landlord may not allow them.

In Summary

  • It is currently legal to own a pet skink lizard in Alberta, Canada.
  • The skink is not listed as a controlled animal.
  • This is a provincial regulation, and municipalities may have their own bylaws. Check your local authorities.

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