Does Alberta Have Eagles?

white and brown eagle in close up. Alberta has 2 types of eagles.

Alberta is known for having vast amounts of protected natural areas. Because of this, the province is rich with a diverse population of wildlife.

Does Alberta have Eagles?

Yes, there are Eagles in Alberta, Canada.

In fact, Alberta is home to 2 types of eagles. The bald eagle and the Golden Eagle.

The Golden Eagle migrates South for the winter, whereas the Bald Eagle tends to stay for the winter if there is enough food.

Good read about Eagles in Alberta

Eagles were once on the endangered species list. They have been removed from that list as the population has risen over several decades.

In Summary

  • Yes there are Eagles in Alberta
  • The 2 main types of eagles in Alberta is the bald eagle and the golden eagle
  • The Golden Eagle goes south for the winter, while the Bald eagle will tend to stick around over the winter
  • Eagles we’re once on the endangered species list in Alberta, but have since been removed from the list.

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