Is Bunion Surgery Covered By Alberta Health Care?

podiatrist with foot x-ray. Bunion surgery is covered by alberta health care.

There is a lot of nuance to this question as it depends on the extent of the foot issue.

In general (with a lot of nuance) the Alberta Health Care Program covers most medically necessary things, especially in a hospital setting.

Is bunion surgery covered by Alberta Health Care?

Yes, bunion surgery is covered by Alberta Health Care, if it is required to take place in a hospital setting.

You will have to pay a consultation fee either in full, or partial. Consultation fees are usually around $65.

The podiatrist at the consultation will explain the options and if the surgery is covered by the Alberta Health Care system or not.

Most foot doctors operate in a similar fashion when it comes to these issues, so for reference, here is everything you need to know about bunion surgery from the Associated Foot Clinic and Surgicentre in Edmonton.

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