Is Owning a Pet Tarantula Allowed in Alberta?

close up of tarantula. You can legally own a pet tarantula in alberta, canada.

Alberta has strict regulations on pet and wildlife ownership and management. You may be familiar with a document we discuss on this site frequently.

It is the Alberta Controlled animals list PDF. These are animals that are categorized by type and species etc.

If it’s on the list, it is controlled. If it’s controlled then you either need special licensing or permissions to own one, or you can’t have it at all.

If it’s not on the list, you can likely own it as a pet, or it’s an animal that is considered livestock, which has its own set of rules.

What about tarantulas? Are they on the list?

Can you own a pet Tarantula in Alberta?

You can legally own a tarantula as a pet in Alberta.

They are not on the controlled animals list of Alberta, and they are obviously not livestock.

This is a provincial level rule. Municipalities can make their own restrictions, so check with local bylaws and rules to be sure.

Also check with your landlord and/or property manager for private restrictions.

Do Tarantulas Make Good Pets?

We have talked about the legality of getting a tarantula as a pet, but should you?

Tarantulas are large, hairy spiders belonging to the family Theraphosidae. They are known for their distinct appearance and are found in various parts of the world.

Tarantulas are generally docile and are popular in the exotic pet trade due to their unique characteristics and relatively low maintenance requirements.

If you have done all your research and you insist on delving into this type of pet ownership, a tarantula wouldn’t be the worst option for most people.

See our list of other exotic pets that you can own as a pet in Alberta called What Exotic Pets Can You Legally Own in Alberta?

In Summary

  • You can legally own a pet tarantula in Alberta, Canada.
  • They are not on the Alberta Controlled Species list.
  • Towns and cities may have their own municipal level restrictions.
  • Tarantulas can make good pets for people who did their research and are interested in this type of pet ownership.

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