What Type of Grass Grows in Alberta?

a barn on a grassy field. Alberta is in the cool season grass zone.

Alberta, a province in western Canada, predominantly features cool-season grasses suitable for its varying climate conditions.

The most common types include Kentucky Bluegrass, Fine Fescue, and Perennial Ryegrass.

More About Cool Season Grasses Here

What Type of Grass Grows in Alberta?

Common Types of Grass in Alberta

Kentucky Bluegrass

This grass type is widely planted for lawns and is known for its high-quality turf. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soils.

Fine Fescue

Fine Fescue is a blend of various Fescue species including red, chewings, hard, and sheep fescue. It performs well in shady areas and can tolerate poor soil conditions.

Perennial Ryegrass

Fast germinating and suitable for overseeding, Perennial Ryegrass is often used in sports fields and high-traffic areas.

Climate Considerations

Growing Season

The growing season in Alberta typically extends from late spring to early autumn, depending on the region.


Alberta’s climate is relatively dry, and supplemental irrigation may be necessary for optimal grass growth.


Cool-season grasses are preferred because they can tolerate Alberta’s cold winters and still perform well during the mild summers.

Soil Quality

Alberta’s soil tends to be loamy, which is conducive for most cool-season grass types. However, soil testing is recommended to identify any deficiencies or pH imbalances.

Care and Maintenance


Regular fertilization is crucial for sustaining a healthy lawn. Organic or synthetic fertilizers can be used based on preference and soil test results.


Regular mowing is essential to maintain a healthy appearance. The cutting height will depend on the grass type selected.


Because of Alberta’s relatively dry climate, additional watering is often necessary, especially during hot summer months.

In Summary

  • Alberta predominantly features cool-season grasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass, Fine Fescue, and Perennial Ryegrass.
  • The growing season extends from late spring to early autumn, depending on the region.
  • Soil in Alberta is generally loamy and conducive for cool-season grass growth, but soil testing is recommended.
  • Additional care such as fertilization and watering may be required, particularly due to Alberta’s dry climate.
  • Regular mowing is essential for lawn maintenance, with the frequency and height depending on the grass type.

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