When Did Family Day Start in Canada?

a happy family enjoying family day. Alberta started first family day in 1990 in canada.

Family Day is a public holiday celebrated in various provinces across Canada, but do you know when it all began?

This article delves into the history and origins of Family Day, with a particular focus on its roots in Alberta.

When Did Family Day Start in Canada?

The Birth of Family Day in Alberta

Family Day was first introduced in Alberta in 1990 by then-Premier Don Getty.

The primary aim was to emphasize the importance of family values and to allow people more time to spend with their loved ones.

Alberta was the first province in Canada to officially recognize this holiday.

Adoption of Family Day Across Canada

After its introduction in Alberta, other provinces soon followed suit.

Saskatchewan adopted Family Day in 2007, and Ontario in 2008.

British Columbia also joined in 2013.

Each province has its own date for celebrating, but the essence of family bonding remains the same.

Province Year Adopted
Alberta 1990
Saskatchewan 2007
Ontario 2008
British Columbia 2013

Why Alberta Took the Initiative

Alberta’s decision to introduce Family Day was not just a random choice.

The province has a rich history of community and family-oriented values.

The holiday serves as a reflection of these cultural norms.

The Evolution of Family Day in Canada

Over the years, Family Day has evolved to include various activities and events.

From family gatherings to community events, the holiday has grown to be more than just a day off work.

It’s a day dedicated to strengthening family bonds.

Different Dates, Same Spirit

While the date of Family Day varies from province to province, the core essence of the holiday remains the same: to celebrate and spend quality time with family.

In Alberta, it’s celebrated on the third Monday of February, aligning with other holidays like Presidents’ Day in the United States.

More Family Day Information

  • Family Day is a statutory holiday in several Canadian provinces.
  • Alberta was the pioneer in introducing this special day.
  • The holiday has evolved to include various family-centric activities and events.

In Summary

  • Family Day originated in Alberta in 1990.
  • It has been adopted by several other Canadian provinces.
  • The holiday emphasizes the importance of family bonding and community values.

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