When is Summer in Alberta Canada?

Alberta sunshine on the beach.

Some people believe Alberta, Canada is the ”frozen North”. Nothing but snow and ice and a little bit of sunshine.

While it’s true that Alberta can have some pretty harsh winters, the springs, summers and falls can be quite warm and pleasant.

When is summer in Alberta?

Alberta summers are from June to September every year.

Officially, Alberta summer is from Tuesday June 21, 2022 to Thursday September 22, 2022.

Alberta summers are approximately 3 months long.

What are the Hottest Months in Alberta?

The hottest months in Alberta are typically July and August. These months can typically see a high of around 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit).

What Was the Hottest Day in Alberta History?

July 21, 1931 was the hottest day ever recorded in Alberta, Canada. That day had a high of 43.3 Degrees Celsius (109.94 Degrees Fahrenheit).

How Sunny is Alberta?

Alberta is the sunniest province in Canada. More specifically, Calgary is the sunniest city in Canada. Calgary gets an average of 2396 hours of bright sun per year, spread over 333 days.


In Summary

  • Summer in Alberta is late June, July, August and late September.
  • Alberta has some very harsh and nasty winters, but we do get a nice spring and summer.
  • We are known for frozen sports like hockey and curling, but there’s plenty of summer sports and camping that are enjoyed every year as well.

The temperatures can get up to around 30 celsius, with the all time record being 43.3 degrees celsius.

Alberta’s hottest months are usually July and August.

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