Is Kindergarten Mandatory in Alberta?

child reading a book. kindergarten is not mandatory in alberta canada.

Most education related rules and regulations in Canada are determined by individual provinces.

Some provinces make kindergarten mandatory, and some do not.

Is Alberta a province that makes kindergarten mandatory?

Is kindergarten mandatory in Alberta?

The answer is no, kindergarten is not mandatory (compulsory) in the province of Alberta.


While many education professionals emphasize the importance of early education, it is not unlawful for a child skip kindergarten.

That being said, it is mandatory for kids 6 years old to 16 years old to attend schooling of some approved kind.

Is Kindergarten Free in Alberta?

Yes, kindergarten is free in Alberta. Kindergarten is part of the public education system in Alberta.

The word ”free” depends on how you look at it of course. It is covered by tax payer dollars and is administered by the government of Alberta.

Registration and the cost to attend is ”free” (covered), but there may be additional costs such as supplies.

Is Kindergarten Full Time in Alberta?

No, kindergarten is not full time in Alberta. Kindergarten taken through the k-12 public education system, is a half day only.

As discussed above, attendance is not mandatory until age 6, and entering grade 1.

Where is Kindergarten Mandatory in Canada?

Kindergarten is optional, and not compulsory in most provinces of Canada. The only Canadian provinces with mandatory kindergarten attendance are:

  • British Colombia (B.C.)
  • Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.)
  • New Brunswick


In Summary

Kindergarten is not mandatory in Alberta. It is only mandatory in 3 provinces (BC, PEI, and NB)

Kindergarten in Alberta is provided through the public education system (k-12).

Kindergarten through the Alberta public education system is a half day, not full time.

Educational experts highly recommend early education such as kindergarten and pre-school, but the choice is up to the parent/guardian.

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