Are Cane Toads Legal In Alberta?

The Marina Cane Toad is not legal to own as a pet in Alberta.

The controlled animals list of Alberta documents all the animals you can’t own as a pet. It is a comprehensive provincial wide list of various species.

What does the list say about cane toads?

Can you own a Cane Toad as a pet in Alberta?

No, the Cane Toad (Rhinella Marina), is not legal to own as a pet in Alberta.

It is a controlled species under the Alberta Fish and Wildlife Policy Division.

This is according to the most up to date list of controlled animals in Alberta.

View the Entire Controlled Animal List Here

Screenshot from the Fish and Wildlife Act:

Screenshot from page 19 of the Alberta controlled animals PDF.

As you can see here, the Marina (cane) Toad is listed as a controlled species under the Toads section.

Other Controlled Toads in Alberta:

  • American Toad
  • Colorado River Toad
  • Woodhouse’s Toad

In Summary

  • You can not legally own a pet cane toad in Alberta, Canada
  • Alberta controls many animals for a variety of reasons. Public safety, climate and habitat, population control and more.

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