Can a Class 5 GDL Drive After Midnight in Alberta?

two women sitting on vehicle roofs. yes, You can drive after midnight with a class 5 gdl in alberta.

The graduated driver program is a 3 stage process to getting your drivers license in Alberta.

There was a time when the there were only 2 steps.

You would get a learners license by taking a written exam, then you would get your drivers license by taking a road test. Sometimes in a very short time frame.

The system has been updated to add a step in the middle. This middle step is called the probationary class 5 graduated drivers license (GDL).

Can a Class 5 GDL drive after midnight in Alberta?

Yes, a class 5 GDL can drive after midnight in Alberta.

The 12am to 5am curfew is for Class 7 (Learners License) drivers only.

The stipulations of the class 7 learners and the class 5 GDL are similar. The GDL has a bit more freedom.

There seems to be some confusion online with this question. The midnight to 5am driving curfew is often referenced as the answer to this question, but this is not the case.

Read the Class 5 GDL Conditions here.

The section relevant to this discussion is Stage 2: GDL Probationary (Class 5-GDL).

The Probationary conditions are as follows:

  • You must be a probationary driver for a minimum of two years.
  • You must have no more passengers than seat belts.
  • You will be suspended if you accumulate 8 or more demerit points.
  • You must have a zero alcohol level when driving.
  • You are not able to re-class your licence to a commercial driver’s licence (classes 1, 2, 3 or 4).
  • You cannot serve as an accompanying driver to a learner.

In Summary

There are no curfews for a Class 5 GDL driver license. There is a midnight to 5am restriction on a Class 7 Learners License only.

When you graduate to a probationary GDL class 5 license from the class 7 learners license, you lose the midnight to 5am restriction, and you no longer need a class 5 driver to accompany you.

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Can a Class 7 Learners Drive on Highway in Alberta?

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