Can My Landlord Raise My Rent in Alberta? If So, How Much and How Often?

couple talking while moving in new apartment. Alberta landlords can raise the rent with proper notice.

It is important to understand the laws and rules when it comes to the relationship between landlords and tenants.

Alberta has a legal document called the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) that lays out all these laws.

We will be referencing this document for the following information.

Source: Alberta Residential Tenancy Act (RTA)

Can My Landlord Raise My Rent in Alberta?

Yes, landlords in Alberta can raise the rent for tenants under certain conditions.

These conditions are governed by Section 14 of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA, Pages: 18).

Conditions for Raising the Rent in Alberta

  • Written Notice: Landlords must provide tenants with a written notice before increasing rent. The notice must be dated and signed by the landlord.
  • Notice Period: The notice period varies depending on the type of tenancy. For weekly tenancies, the notice must be given at least 12 tenancy weeks in advance. For monthly tenancies, the notice must be given at least 3 tenancy months in advance. For other periodic tenancies, at least 90 days’ notice is required.
  • Frequency of Increase: Rent cannot be increased more than once a year. A landlord must wait at least one year since the last increase or the start of the tenancy to raise the rent again.
  • Tenant’s Rights: If a tenant receives a rent increase notice that does not comply with the RTA, the notice is considered void. The tenant has the right to recover the amount by which the rent was increased.
  • Emergency Situations: During declared emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, landlords are prohibited from increasing rent until after the emergency end date.


Type of Tenancy Required Notice Period
Weekly Tenancy At least 12 tenancy weeks
Monthly Tenancy At least 3 tenancy months
Other Periodic Tenancy At least 90 days

How Much Can My Rent Be Increased?

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) does not specify a limit on the amount by which rent can be increased. The increase must be reasonable and in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement.

How Much Notice Will I Get for a Rent Increase?

Landlords must provide written notice before increasing rent. The notice period varies depending on the type of tenancy:

  • Weekly Tenancy: At least 12 tenancy weeks (RTA, Page: 18)
  • Monthly Tenancy: At least 3 tenancy months (RTA, Page: 18)
  • Other Periodic Tenancy: At least 90 days (RTA, Page: 18)

How Often Can My Rent Be Raised?

Rent cannot be increased more than once a year. A landlord must wait at least one year since the last increase or the start of the tenancy to raise the rent again (RTA, Page: 18).

What Can I Do If I Disagree with the Rent Increase?

If a tenant receives a notice of rent increase that does not comply with the RTA, the notice is void. The tenant may recover the amount by which the rent was increased in an action in debt (RTA, Page: 18).

Are Rent Increases Allowed During Emergencies?

No, landlords cannot increase rent during emergency situations until after the emergency end date. This rule was specifically enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic (RTA, Pages: 18, 19).

In Summary

  • Landlords can raise rent under specific conditions outlined in the RTA.
  • There is no specified limit on the amount of rent increase.
  • Written notice is required, with varying notice periods depending on the type of tenancy.
  • Rent cannot be increased more than once a year.
  • Special rules apply during emergency situations.

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