Can You Drive Someone Else’s Car in Alberta?

A friend borrowing a car. You can legally drive someone’s car in Alberta, Canada.

It can be a big responsibility to drive another person’s car, or a huge risk to trust them with yours. Sometimes this is a necessary scenario.

Can you drive someone else’s car in Alberta?

It is legal to drive someone else’s vehicle if the vehicle is properly insured and registered.

The driver must also be licensed and have permission from the owner to drive the vehicle.

This means it is perfectly acceptable for you to drive your friend’s car, or lend your car to your friend.

There will be severe legal consequences if the car is not properly insured and registered, or if the driver does not have a valid drivers license.

Of course, it goes without saying, you can’t take a car that does not belong to you without permission.

A couple other things to keep in mind:

  • If you lend a vehicle to someone and they are reckless and cause damage, the insurance may cover it, however, this could lead to higher insurance rates.
  • There are cases where specific individuals are named on the insurance as NOT being allowed to drive that vehicle.

In Summary

  • It is legal to borrow someone else’s car in Alberta, but only if all the proper legal guidelines are adhered to.
  • The vehicle must be insured and registered, and the driver must be properly licensed.
  • Insurance claims can lead to higher premiums. Lending and borrowing vehicles should be done responsibly.

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