Can You Sell Taxidermy in Alberta?

Shoulder mount moose taxidermy on the wall. To sell taxidermy legally in Alberta you must have a license to sell.

You might be looking to make some money on a quick sale of a taxidermy animal display.

Perhaps you want to sell some jewelry or artwork you created using animal parts. There are laws that govern these activities and more in Alberta.

Can you sell taxidermy in Alberta?

You can not legally sell taxidermy in Alberta without a special selling license, even if you acquired the item legally.

The item you wish to sell must first be inspected by a local Fish and Wildlife facility, and a selling application must be filled out.

The purpose of this process is to help control the damage done by the black market and poachers.

The Fish and Wildlife Office will help you get your taxidermy or other animal artifacts legal for selling. They will inspect the items and your documentation of legal ownership (Hunting License, Tags, etc). Then you will fill out paperwork that allows you to sell the taxidermy item, artifact, artwork etc.

A video from an Calgary Fish and Wildlife Officer explain these laws regarding the selling of taxidermy or keeping found dead wildlife:


Found Dead Wildlife and Roadkill

The process is similar for roadkill and Found Dead Wildlife. The difference, obviously, is in the way you acquired the animal or animal parts.

In Alberta, you have the right to keep found dead wildlife, such as naturally shed wildlife parts or roadkill.

But even in this case, you need to first contact a Fish and Wildlife Officer.

Alberta Found Dead Wildlife Policy

In Summary

  • You generally can’t sell taxidermy in Alberta, other than special circumstances 
  • The only way to legally sell taxidermy in Alberta, is to first take the item to a Fish and Wildlife Office and have it inspected. Prove you acquired it legally (hunting license, tags etc), then fill out a form to get a sellers license.
  • This also applies to things like art or jewellery that is made from animal parts.
  • You have the right to found dead wildlife like naturally shed parts, or roadkill, but the process in generally the same.
  • These laws are to control the black market and reduce poaching.

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