Are Alberta Registries Open on Weekends?

Open sign. Some Alberta registries are open on weekends.

As Alberta registry services are private entities, they are free to determine their hours of operation.

There are no provincial rules that dictate that they be open on weekends.

Are Alberta Registries open on Weekends?

Some registries, such as Alberta One-Stop Registry, are open 7 days a week, while some others are closed on Saturday and/or Sunday.

*Albert One-Stop Registry is closed on the 2nd Sunday of every month.

Using this handy link here, you will find an interactive Alberta Registries map. You can find the registry agent closest to you that is open on the weekend.

In Summary

  • Some Alberta Registries are open on Weekends, and some are not.
  • Alberta Registry agents are private companies that make their own hours.
  • Use the interactive map to find a nearby registry office for directions and hours and days of operation.

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