Are Tinted Headlights Legal in Alberta?

luxury sports autos near stormy sea. Tinted headlamps are illegal in alberta canada.

The Province of Alberta has a section of the Traffic Safety Act that is called the “Vehicle Equipment Regulation”.

The section dealing with headlights (headlamps), is Part 1 (Vehicle Lamps), Division 1 (Headlamps), (4) and (5).

Are tinted headlights legal in Alberta?

No. Tinted headlights are not legal in Alberta.

The light from a headlamp must be white, and the lens and bulb of the headlamp must be made of clear, untinted glazing.

Here is the relevant section of the Traffic Safety Act:

(4) The light from a headlamp must be white, and the lens and bulb of the headlamp must be made of clear, untinted glazing.
(5) A person shall not attach or apply anything that colours the light from a headlamp to the headlamp, part of the headlamp or a bulb in the headlamps.
Source: Vehicle Equipment Regulation

From the Division 1: Headlamps section of the Vehicle Equipment Regulation.

In Summary

  •  Tinted headlights are not legal in Alberta , Canada.
  • The headlamp must emit white light and have a clear, un-tinted lens and bulb.
  • The Alberta Traffic Safety Act lays out exactly how all lights should be to be legal.

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